A People For His Name

We are a missional disciple making community co-operating within a network of Christian missionary communities across the nations. We exist to love God, one another and obey the Great Commission.

Our name is not an organization, but rather who we are and why we exist. Together we are on mission with Jesus and other disciple making disciples to give Our Father what He has wanted:

"Simeon has reported how God first visited the nations, to take out of them a people for his name". Acts 15:14

A People For His Name
Missional Disciple Making Community


The Great Commission is being fulfilled on the East African Coast of Kenya. Our target to go to the unreached is in the early stages with a number of disciple making communities being formed among the tribal groups who have come to Christ Jesus.

God continues to grow His work on the Coast of Kenya. Calling out a people for His Name among the indigenous tribes from the area and the other tribes that have moved to the coast from other regions of East Africa.


Relational based missional communities are being formed in Pakistan as the Holy Spirit draws many to Christ. Through intentional discipleship and discovery styled bible studies, many are coming to see the God of Abraham as He really is.

Enjoying the revelation of God as their Father and the freedom of knowing the Truth has become a great joy. This is creating a huge surge in the growth of the Most High's vision there.


As the spiritual landscape changes in the USA and other Western nations, God is raising an awareness to return to the patterns of discipleship that resemble the book of Acts rather than the status quo.

We are working within communities of disciples in different parts of the United States to learn with God and each other how to understand and live out God's original design for His church.

To visit the fatherless and widows

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:7

We believe and teach all of the disciples not to neglect the "least of these" among us as we expand the Kingdom of God 

Building The Future

Indigenous Missional Leaders

Our primary missional focus is making disciples and raising them up as leaders and letting the church be built up around them in a local setting. First we invest into Indigenous leaders through relational discipleship, walking alongside them modeling Jesus and living biblical principles.


With added workshops imparting practical training and theology, we believe they will develop as mature missional leaders taking responsibility for the harvest in their nation.

Teaching all nations

Missional Disciple Making Communities

The last standing order that Jesus gave to His disciples was "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you." Matthew 28:18-19a


We believe this command is what the early church lived and breathed for in a biblical relational community. We are learning together to recover and continue in this pattern among the unreached by the power of The Holy Spirit.

Recent Articles

A People For His Name

A People For His Name We are a missional disciple making community co-operating within a network of Christian missionary communities across the nations. We exist to love God, one another and obey the Great Commission. Our name is not an organization, but rather who

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